All day laser cutting of aluminum was creating a lot of smoke
Proper filtration was needed for all day cutting

The problem
A metal fabrication shop in Atlanta called us with a problem they were having when cutting sheets of aluminum. They were under the impression that the dust being generated was XP. We explained that the laser cutting process made the dust inert and not explosive.
They still had a big problem as the dust from that process tends to be dirty and it quickly clogs the pores of conventional dust collection cartridge systems. A proper solution was needed that had the right amount of air and filter area, as well as the right kind of filtration.
The solution

The unique interior construction of the unit takes the fume and dust through a series of deflectors and spark traps that greatly reduce the amount of particulate that hits the filters. The filters are NANO-web cartridges that allow sticky fume to glide off.
The unit comes with a compressed air cleaning system that is automatic. When it reads a pressure-drop it releases a pulse of air through the cartridge filters. There are nine filters in all providing plenty of filter surface area. The interior of the TC is set up specifically to reduce the amount of particulate on the filter. This is an ideal solution for all day messy laser cutting of aluminum.
Water bath at the bottom of the spark chamber

The client reported that the Coral HORIZONTAL CARTRIDGE FILTER MODEL IPERJET DF9 MAX solved their issues. Now they can cut aluminum all day and not have to worry about fixing an undersized portable collector. This solution proved to be a effective piece of equipment for the end user.